Thursday, November 17, 2005

Novelty Toys, Dog Collars, and Broken Cyber Dreams

It's half past one and I'm still up. I should have gone to bed hours ago since I have to get up early tomorrow and go slave away as a future English teacher, preferably in ironed clothes. Doubtless, within the next half hour my son will start screaming the house down till I go get in bed and I've already finished the Chinese torture assessment I'm going to apply to my students. So why don't I just go lay in Morpheus's arms?

I'll tell you why. Something is eating my computer, from the inside out. I'm absolutely sure of it.


Okay a whole day and night has gone by, William woke up and I gave in and went to bed. In the meantime, things with MAGI (my computer) have deteriorated further. I hear the whirring of the hard drive, in symphony with a new sound, and echo of itself, except it´s coming from the speakers. Programs randomly go on strike and my antivirus disables itself. I´m convinced there´s a little gremlin eating away at MAGI´s guts. I´m going to open her up with a screwdriver, with only a big kitchen knife to defend myself from whatever is in there. Maybe it´s a mini toy alien....

There are some things humanity was not meant to know...

In other news, my dad finally gave in to his authoritarian genes and told/ordered me not to go out last night. No point arguing, since after all I am living under his roof, but it annoys me all the same. Fidgetsticks... I feel like im living in animal farm under the rule of the Orwelian pigs. Dad´s catch phrase , "I never tell you that you can´t go out.", was sabotaged in the dead of night, and now there´s a sloppily scrawled on addition: "I never tell you you can go out, at a reasonable hour.¨" How is 9:00 o´clock to 12:00 o´clock unreasonable? And don´t tell me I´ll understand when my son hits puberty, because I won´t, I´m going to be the coolest mom to ever grace this earth.

Of course, I´m already in the proccess of being said uber-cool mom, which gives us plenty to argue about...

Dad: Don´t let him put his hand in the guacamole!
Me: But he´s exploring his surroundings and developing his sense of touch Dad (slight whine).
Dad: He´s making a mess!
Me: That can be cleaned.
Dad: And who´s going to clean it?
William: BUA!

You get the idea.

The day before last I had a test that was going to make up 30% of my Development of Human Thought course. I´m notorious for last minute study marathons, but unfortunately I fell asleep at my post and managed to study only the first page of the study guide.

So it was with some trepidation that I sat at my desk and took out a blank page while Jesus (my profesor) went on about concrete, personal, and open questions. He gave us 3 seconds to answer the first question after which we were to pass our piece of paper to the front and get ready for the next question.

Jesus: Okay the first question is.... on a scale from 1 to 10 how much did you study? ONE...
Me (in my head): Oh shit... um....what shall I write? 1?
Jesus: TWO...
Me(in my head): plus a 0 of course...10 yes that sounds about right...
Jesus: THREE!

Turns out that was the whole exam 'cos Jesus trusts us...

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