Thursday, October 27, 2005

Drowning In My Own Inspiration...

...or is that my own mucus? I have a terrible cold, much worse than the one I had last winter. My head hurts, my sinuses are pounding, and my nose won't stop dripping. However, the muse kept me up for the better part of last night, something that always happens when I look at things like this :

There's a few drawings, paintings, and sculptures I want to get round to, but I just haven't the time or the materials. Last night I kept thinking about drawing myself as Insomniatica, (guess what her pet peeve is) with her long, flat, messy, hair, dark bags under her eyes, and pajamas that just won't fit comfortably; possibly worshiping comatose at her computer, not quite giving into sleep but hardly in the realm of conscious thought either.

The other project that came to me last night will be called "Venus in Furs" or "Diana versus Aphrodite". I want to paint one of my virginal classmates surrounded by menacing wolves. "What is it with the wolf thing?", you might ask. Yes I know I'm obsessed, and I already made a giant she wolf hybrid sculpture, but surely you can never have enough of a good thing?

I saw the esclafowne movie last week and I have to say I was terribly disappointed with the plot and character development, everyone seemed a bit 2 dimensional and pointless. Although the animation was beautiful, if a bit dark at times.

I've been imagining weird people and faeries all week. I think I overloaded the left side of my brain with university and it's time for the Revenge of the Right Hemisphere. This morning while I was driving the kids to school there were three long clouds in the sky, it looked like there was a giant angel standing far away on the other side of the city, it's wings outstretched towards heaven. The third cloud was long and thin, reminding me of Longinus's spear, brandished towards some unseen enemy. When I got a second glimpse the clouds had risen higher into the air with the sun shinning through one of the wings; it was a truly beautiful sight. And yes, I've seen one episode too many of Evagelion by the looks of things.

Edit: Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, I'm glad I came back to check this post. It was full of truly nonhabitual spelling mistakes, and I wrote it exactly like I would have said it, FAST. Throw caution and punctuation to the wind I say!


Edfred said...

hey, you should draw thst image in the sky you witnessed, sounded damned inspiring!

a poem for you:

Insomniac Blues

sleepiness, but i cant sleep
uneasiness under the sheets
i toss and turn across my bed
discomfort racing through my head

piercing thoughts keep me awake
sleep does not give me escape
beating heart and pounding mind
i lack the comfort to unwind

aching muscles full of stress
haunting in my loneliness
i cant relax, i cannot dream
nothing to release the steam

imprisoned slumber, tortured soul
insomnia can take its toll
up all night without my rest
i am the mornings weary guest

exaustion is my long lost friend
at last i am asleep again

Silvia said...

Yeah, if only I could get the lighting right... this is so a job for that hippie, Ross whatshisname? And the poem pretty much sums me up at the mo...zzzzzzz...