Friday, October 21, 2005


Just a quick update to appease my fans (well okay Rachel and Eric, who I love dearly, and not just because they read my blog). University is going well, just had a communication exam out of the twilight zone. It was about non verbal communication, and the teacher gave me the most unrelated questions, at least in relation to the study guide. Are eating disorders social problems? Then again I shouldn't complain it was an easy 10 - I love verbal exams!

Phone bill came in the mail today X_X. I've made 40 dlrs worth of calls to the rockstar's mobile phone, and am in deep trouble as a result. Dad hasn't seen it yet so I'm looking for daring and foolish ideas to avoid punishment. The best one so far has been hiding the bill, raising the money with a garage sale and paying it myself. The easiest alternative, if utterly unpleasant, would be to listen to the lecture....I think I might sleep on it over the weekend...

William had his first proper barf. It was very scary, like the one in the exorcist except it was yellow. Speaking of which, I have to go pick him up from daycare, but I'll post more tomorrow.


Edfred said...

pooor sir william!

ahh, too bad about your phone bill. your boyfriend doesnt have internet? you could voice chat for free all freaking night.

Moonlight P said...

ewww, I find it bad enough cleaning kitten sick!

another one of your fans!

Silvia said...

Edfred, no he doesn't, I don't understand how he manages. I guess he feels about the internet the way I feel about mobile phones: WHO NEEDS IT?

Moon, I'll trade you anytime! Then again kittens aren't as cute as William. Lol, and I'll add you to the fan list.

Edfred said...

YOU dont have a mobile phone??? tsk tsk. :)