The latest accusation from my Economic Structure teacher: I'm a Utopian Dreamer. Yes, even I know I'm naive for even imagining that 3rd world countries could infect 1st world countries with a desire to be humanitarian and give up their wealth grubbing ways, but I still like to think it could happen. Maybe I cling to that idea, because even though it is highly unrealistic, and I know that there is no such thing as the innate goodness of man, even that is more tolerable than violence. I'm not a pacifist really, I'm just as likely to clobber someone as the next girl. But the idea of actually doing grieveous bodily harm, killing, displacing families etc, I just couldn't do it.
Mmm, there were about a million things I wanted to post last night, and now that I'm here, sitting with my beloved computer, my brain seems to have dried up and instead here's my evil doodles for the day. The first one is Snow White and 2 of the Seven dwarves. The second one is a strange little bird that came to me during IT class.

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