Hot dog buns, apples and Trojans
After that, as part of a great quest to find toiletes, my friend, who shall be known only as R, and I ended up in another bar. And to make a long story short, I am now commiting one of the dating capital crimes: going out with a friend. No good can come of this, right? It doesn't help that I was in the middle of taking a vacation from relationships...but I can't wait to see him again, and I jump whenever the phone rings, soooo...
Saturday involved more celebrating, I had a little party at my place. In the early evening I had some little friends over to celebrate my son's birthday as well, although it'd been a couple of weeks earlier. No one's hair went up in flames, so I'm considering it a success. People came over, ate drank, and were merry, and nobody died the next day. It was all good. Although I need to point out, if any of you guys are reading this, that next year I better get some presents! Except for Tania and Eli of course who were nice enough to bring me stuff. No, bringing yourself is not a gift unless you're Brad Pitt, Kevin Smith or Neil Gaiman...I hope you're all taking note as to what I want for next year.
Sunday was a day of rest, Mum , William and I hung out at my cousin Marina's place and did nothing all day, except gossip. Mum thinks R is a great friend, but absolutely out of the question when it comes to boyfriend material, so I think I won't mention friday to her.
Monday I went out for dinner with the whole family, to a great Japanese place called Sakura, and ate waaay too much tepanyaki and Miso soup. My kingdom for a bowl of Miso! Tuesday we had a girls only celbration, with lots of chocolate cake, because my mum simply wanted to. And celbrations have died down since then, but it's Independence Day tomorrow, so this weekend should be pretty wild too.

My birthday dinner @ Sakura's

Noses are smaller than they appear.
Normally birthdays involve wondering what's so different from one number to the next, but this year I can feel it, something weird is going on. I actually feel different, and I don't think it's just the urge to drive over the border and a have a legal beer in the U.S.of A. No, it might have something to do with brain circuits? Maybe it is a case for Mulder and Scully. In any case I need to go cook now...
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