Thursday, September 22, 2005

Why only half?

Apparently I'm half-cocked...who would've known?

Now I must stop taking testS...must resist...oh okay, but just one more..

No, really this is the last one...

I had to delete the angel/demon test because it was messing around with my layout. It basically said " You're the bisexual of the morality scale." I had a 50% Morality, neither evil or good. It is better to be a free spirit, than reign in hell or serve in heaven.


Rachel said...

"You scored higher than 65% on Morality"

Humanity is officially screwed (she said, off to take the same test instead of running errands for her mother).

Moonlight P said...

I was human too...but only 37 per cent

Silvia said...

Oh my Goddess, this can't be true, you're not allowed to be more evil than me Rachel! Darn, well I guess I'm just going to be amoral from now on, and what's more, this proves you we're corrupting me in high school, and not the other way around.