Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bendita La Luz

I should put on a Barry White album for this post... I'm ridiculously head over heels for the Mexico City cutie. And just when I wanted to stay single, tsk. Not that I'm complaining of course (looks around for the Fates). So since last time he was in the city we've kept in touch, and he came back from Mexico City for about a month which was extremely enjoyable.

We're now officially "novios" (the English language urgently needs a literal translation to that, something better than boyfriend and girlfriend!), and so far so good... I made a list a couple of months back of all the things that I wanted from a potential partner, knowing that in theory I'm extremely picky, and that if I could stick to it in practice I'd stand a better chance of not tumbling down the rabbit hole of love after some egocentric roedent who's always late.

So guys, lend an ear, this is what women really want:

-Support, but not python style suffocation. No one likes dating their dad, trust me. You're not going to fix her life, and if she thinks you will she's better off staying home.

-Sensitivity, not helpless bunnies. Sure we like guys who are in touch with their femnine side, but if you cry over everything, act like a martyr or expect her to be your mummy, don't complain when she's got you by the short and curlies, or hopefully leaves you for someone with more emotional resources. Which, heaven forbid, doesn't mean we don't like bunnies. We just wouldn't date them, which explains why (too) nice guys always finish last.

-Dignity but not macho pride. No, it's not a good plan to go along with EVERYTHING we say. Listen, but don't obey like a well trained puppy. On the other hand, you're not the master of the Universe, and your girlfriend, lover, wife etc, is not your personal property to command. And as a side note, yes she has most likely been with other men, has friends and a life. You don't get the right to be jealous.

Etc, etc, etc (what? I'm not serving my sisters up on a silver plate for you guys, do your research). It's all about finding the balance in the Force. No, really.

I guess telling the Universe what your really want does work and the Mexico City Cutie seems to fit the bill. Damn singledom, how could I let that kind of chance pass me by?

On a sidetrack, I just got an email from my friend Tania, about tampons... apparently they contain asbestos (to prolong bleeding and up sales), dioxin (for bleaching, but it also happens to be carcinogenic) and rayon (for absorbency, but it also tends to stay in the body, absorbing dioxin and causing toxic shock syndrome which can be lethal). The FDA says it's all malicious rumours. More on this soon...


Rachel said...

Tampons?? Yuck, why would you still be using THEM anyway? If Mooncup.org won't deliver to Mexico I'll buy you one for Yule and send it over myself. Need to get your presents anyway. How is the froglet?

Happy to hear about the cutie, honey. Hope he carries on treating you well and to catch you on MSN soon xoxoxox

Silvia said...

Yeah Yuck is the word. And I'M not still using tampons anymore (what with the IUD and all) but someone else might, the poor darlings.

The froglet, it turns out, is allergic....bugger. But other that doing fine. Goddess help me, he's been asking "What is that?" all week. Soon it'll be "Why?" What am I going to do?