Well, I´m in a fitter writting mind state now, after that pathetic (but I hope at least funny) last post. So here´s the details of my life, for you and prosperity. Yes, I do enjoy reading my old post, if just for the sake of reminding myself to never say never. Besides, do you ever get that odd feeling that even when you were seven years old you thought exactly as you do now? I need to leave some evidence for the future me that things were not always so.
So, first the interesting bits...(drums please)...
Love Life
Er, I keep repeating this, but men are like buses. You´re out in the goddamn rain, carrying paper grocery bags, trying to eat chocolate simultaneously and none drive buy. When you finally start considering eating all the groceries at once, walking home and hibernating, five of them show up at once. Bastards. But I love you guys anyways...for the time being.
All bets are off with the rockstar. Pity, the first six months were grand, and the second half a dozen weren´t too bad either. But irreconciliable differences as usual. Now he's threatened with going off to another city. And I miss him dearly. However things were not working out and my bet is that this was not going to change. Why do people drag out relationships that don´t work? Someone told me love should be pleasurable, not martyrdom, and I agree.
Which brings me to the next bus, er man. He´s absolutely lovely, tall, dark, handsome stranger. Think Antonio Banderas but more awestruck. I´m entirely enthralled. However he: a) smokes (ewww), and b) lives in Mexico City. Long distance relationships equal four happy people, at least...in most cases. However, as I´m not completely numb and disappointed with love yet (oh what the hell because I really, really like him *giggles*), I´ve put off seeing anyone else till he comes back and I can sort out my feelings.
More of a train wreck than a bus i had a bit of a... how to put it... affair sounds too raunchy... one morning stand? Unplanned meeting of, er.. no. Well let´s just say a brief dalliance with one of the (your guess here) at uni. My closest and dearest can tell you this has been a long standing fantasy of mine, but reality didn´t quite live up to make believe. In any case, a good time was had by all except he wants to see me again, and, well read the previous post if you haven´t already. To be honest I can´t imagine he´s too bothered.
And the last two are type of buses that pretend they dont see you and just drive by. What is it with men? I thought they we´re all desperate to get into a girl´s pants? Two apparently healthy lads were just short of having served on a silver plate to them, and they both ran for the hills. Just as well, as otherwise I´d have to repeat the conversation I had with the (your guess here again) two more times, which does not appeal to me. I´d just wish they´d stop staring at me like lost puppies, sheesh.
And last but not least, I have Alan´s phone number! He´s working with a family friend and I find him irresistable. I haven´t done anything because I don´t believe in cheating, but now I´m single again... well I just happened to "borrow" his phone number from the office directory. Considering texting him ridiculously sappy and sexy messages from his "secret admirer". I wonder if guys like that?
On to other things, I´m now in
Real Estate. The comissions are handsome to say the least but haven´t actually managed to sell anything yet sooo...
Considering taking up prostitution... not sure if this is a serious though yet or just the ramblings of a sleep deprived mind. Still, I´m not discarding it for the moment. Normally I would react to a comment like this with lots of femenist banter and point out that this would be the cowards way out. I don´t even know where the idea came from, it just ocurred to me that it would be something fun to try, if only just the once. Think about it, I´d work where other people play. Like a friend told me, everyone´s a whore, if you´re smart enough to get paid cash and upfront, all the power to you. So I´m leaving that on the back burner for the moment. If anything does come of it, be sure I´ll try and make a blog with all the juicy details in the hopes of getting a book deal and lots of money like
Belle de Jour. Anonymously, so this will be the last you hear of this (unless you're Rachel, in which case you'll get to spell check. Love you darling!)
Truth be told this might have just been brought about by being sick and tired of not having any money, hardly any sex, and wanting a nice wardrobe. Thank heaven's for this whole Mexico City cutie situation, or I might be doing something silly right now. So this can get archived with all the other nutty money and/or orgasm making ideas.
Well aside from finding a totally unintended new use for the photography dark room, things have been pretty quiet at uni. My course is going well enogh, although my grades have been droppping due to time taken off to work. Ho hum... but that´s okay because I discovered I really like my neuroanatomy class, so there might be a future career direction choice in the works.
The photography students had their nude project again, and predictably enough I ended up modeling for them again. It was much more fun than the last time since they actually had a decent working space and lights set up this time. Too bad I got the only student who can´t focus...sigh. Eeep! Why do bosses always decide to come say hello when one is looking at possibly incriminating photos of one´s self! Fudge. Well anyhow, won´t post them here because I don´t really like any of them or they show too much. Which is really a silly excuse because they´re up on the uni display wall, but still. If and when I get a copy of the ones taken by the Photographer I´ll post some of those, since they´re much more flattering.
The radio students have also taken me up as their muse, since apparently i have a husky voice. They did complain that my s´s are far too...snake like? Hmmph, now everyone´s a critic.
I´ve got 2 new friends worth mentioning, Luna and the one that shall be known simply as V. They´re both loveley and put up with far more wailing and gnashing of teeth than they should from me.
And that´s about it. This post is far too long as it is.
More as soon as something interesting happens...or I feel like wasting more time at work...ack should stop doing that....